In media
Raising awareness of girls’ issues on national and international agendas is an important part of our work. Below please find pieces we published in various media. If you would like to contact us about our writing or research, drop us a line.
- As we get ready for our November 2014 #PointPeriod Campaign we wrote a piece about the cost of menstrual shame and how we try to address it in our work. Not just a girls’ problem: the economic impact of menstrual shame was published on October 30th on the Guardian’s Global Development Professionals Network.
- To celebrate 2014 International Day of the Girl we wrote a blog post for Girls’ Globe titled Why does menstruation matter? It’s an overview of evidence from the developing countries how menstruation affects girls’ access to education and what we can do about it. It’s also a first post that mentions our November 2014 #PointPeriod Campaign.
- In February 2014 we have published a piece about the new trend we observed in the communities where we work: child marriages are increasingly “love marriages”, decided by the adolescent couples, rather than forced “arranged marriages.” The new trend means development practitioners and policy makers have to rethink their approaches to combating early marriages. The piece was published om the Guardian’s Global Development Professionals Network and is available here, and then reposted on Girls Not Brides blog.
- In accordance with Human Rights Council resolution A/HRC/RES/24/23 (2013), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is preparing a report on preventing and eliminating child, early and forced marriage, to be submitted to the Human Rights Council prior to its twenty-sixth session. We have submitted a paper on the situation in Nepal, with a particular focus on challenges, achievements, best practices and recommendations. Available here (pdf).
- In December 2013, Girls’ Globe published another post by our intern Kathryn Sall. It talks specifically about the consequences of child marriage and features a story of how one woman – our teacher observer – managed to prevent the marriage of an eighteen year old girl from her village. Click here to read “Combating child marriage in Nepali villages”.
- October 11th 2013 is the second International Day of the Girl. To mark the occasion, the current issue of the most popular English language weekly Nepali Times published a piece by Her Turn’s A. Perczynska on child marriage: Let’s talk about girls. You can read the whole piece here (scan).
- In the week prior to the second International Day of the Girl, our partner organization Girls’ Globe published our blog post introducing Her Turn. You can read the post titled “Educated, empowered and equal: Her Turn program, Nepal” here.
- In August 2013, Her Turn participated in a live Q&A session at the Guardian’s Global Development Professionals Network. The session focused on finding strategies to end harmful behaviours and beliefs that prevent girls from reaching their potential. Together with nine other participants, including Girls Not Brides, the International Rescue Committee and Equality Now, we had a very interesting discussion on what works in regards to changing social norms. You can read the full session here, and a round up of the expert advice from the live chat panel can be found here.
- “Child Marriage as a Health Issue – Nepal Case Study” – our contribution to The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Study on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health that was submitted to the Human Rights Council at its 22nd session in March 2013. Available here (pdf).
- “Child marriage in Nepal: what about girls?” was featured on Girls Not Brides main page on August 16th, 2013. It was a shorter version of a piece on child marriage in Nepal published in a national daily Republica in June 2012.